Saturday, December 12, 2009

Work in Montreal

The interfaith group of the Montreal chapter of the Universal Peace Federation, and a Montreal youth leadership program invited me to give two separate sets of lectures between December 9 and December 13.

December 9th happened to be the day of Montreal's first major snow storm of the year, leaving 15 inches of snow on the ground in a single day. You can see the snow as I stand in front of the Church of the Imani Temple, where I offered the talk: Engagement: The next interfaith responsibility:

Here are a few pictures both with the interfatih group in attendance, as well as during our tour of the sanctuary of the Temple.

The other sets of lectures were for the youth group. Always a great joy for me, lot's of energy, hope and inspiration:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

NYC Family Strengthening Coalition - Strategic Planning Session

On Wednesday, August 19, 2009, Alan J Inman Enterprises served part of its commission from several conference conveners to facilitate the meeting held in the President's office of York College.

Joyce A. Thomas, Regional Administrator (Region 2) of the Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families, Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith, Provost and Senior Vice President of York College, Lonnie McCleod, President of Exodus Transitional Community, and in absentia Ava Rice, President and CEO of the New York Urban League (with the support of AJIE) convened approximately 25 representatives from major services organizations and agencies to participate in a 4 hour session designed to explore the possibility of a coalition with the goal of strengthening families and communities as pressing in its own right, and in light of opportunities related to emphases and initiatives from the current US administration.

Frank Kaufmann, Joyce Thomas, Alan Inman

Present included leaders and reps from such groups as, The NYC Administration for Children's Services, Com Alert (Brooklyn DA), NYC Human Resources Administration, Coalition for Hispanic Family Services, Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, NYS Office of Children and Family Services, Project Head Start, and a good many others.

I served the conference as a session facilitator under the auspices of AJIE.

The conference was focused, rich in resources, and fruitful in its outcome.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

United Nations Speech Announcement

Counter-Terrorism and International Organizations

July 22, 2009 • 4:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM
Hardin Room • 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY

How the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee is working to bolster Member
States ability to prevent terrorist acts
Ahmed El-Dawla
Participating in his personal capacity, Judge on Leave

Can Religions Help Counter Terrorism?
Frank Kaufmann
Executive Director, Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP)

The entire announcement is here

Friday, March 13, 2009

Peace conference in Brno, Czech Republic

On Wednesday, March 11, 2009 I gave a morning and an afternoon presentation at the conference New Perspectives for the Development and Future of Europe and the World held in Brno, Czech Republic.

Presenters included Dr. Honoris Causa Professor Ing. Julius Alexy, CSc., professor of Economics at the University of Bratislava, and at Trencianskej University in Dubcek, Professor Dusan Luzny from the Religion and Philosophy faculty at Masarykovy University, Ing. Ivo Kaplan, from the UEF, and Ing. Zuheir Kotroch, and Dr. Juraj Lajda.

Professor Alexy presented an economic model that analyzes and responds to the current global, economic crisis, a model that properly takes into account dynamics unique to globalization. Professor Luzny in a tightly worked piece examined the shadows associated with religious identity from which violence can arise. Kaplan spoke on the role and relationship of spiritual and material dimensions of human social interaction, and posited ideas for a balance that can generate progressive and healthy societies. Kotroch detailed designs for interreligious cooperation from a Muslim perspective. Mr. Lajda presented a sweeping history, and rather large philosophical edifice for envisioning new directions for peace activisim.

My presentations also took up matters pertaining to religion and peace, and can be found here (<-- click) and here (<-- click). It was a joy and an honor to be present among influential leaders and thinkers from the region, sincere and devoted people who demonstrate strong commitment to virtue and to the ideals of peace. Here are a few pictures from this conference:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Interreligious Ceremonies in New York

In the final days of January, 2009 I worked together with both local and international leaders from the world's religions to support spiritually, ceremonially, and liturgically two major events on a single day in New York City

The first event was the celebration of Dr. Sun Myung Moon's 90th birthday. The religious leaders seen here in procession brought as gifts, the sacred scriptures from many of the world's major faith traditions:

The second event occurred later the same evening in which many of the same leaders and some new ones offered prayers of blessing on the international and interreligious couples: