My day at the Conference on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality proved edifying and delightful at every turn.
The conference transpired in honor of Professor T.D. Singh, International Director of the Bhaktivedanta Institute
Larry Goldberg assembled a sterling line up of speakers and presenters, every one worthy of mention, including creation theologian Matthew Fox and Iliff president David Trickett to name just two.
I personally found every talk genuinely educational and transformative, and learned a great deal from each one. The morning tended to have the papers with spirit as the starting point, and the afternoon tended to have papers with science as the starting point.
An unexpected and enriching addition to the conference was Errol and Rochelle Strider founders of Innertainment
Here is a little slide show with some images from the conference and related gatherings and events:
Many thanks and much praise for the organizers, presenters, participants, and generous patrons of this lovely and important occasion.