From July 5 - 6, 2012 the Irish Business Executives Forum and the Saudi
Arabia based International Islamic Forum for Dialogue will co-host the
conference Islamic Economy and World Peace - Islamic Perspective in the
Dublin Convention Center, Dublin Ireland.
The conference invitation points out that "Peaceful cooperation and co-existence are not possible in the presence of economic instability," and describes the conveners' plans for conferees "to examine the relationship between economic stability and social stability."
Attempts until now to address the global financial meltdown strictly in terms of economic theory and speculation while ignoring the moral failures informing the collapse has been misguided as a starting point at best.
This conference promises to take good steps toward approaching this historical time of transition from a more holistic grasp of human affairs.
The conference invitation points out that "Peaceful cooperation and co-existence are not possible in the presence of economic instability," and describes the conveners' plans for conferees "to examine the relationship between economic stability and social stability."
Attempts until now to address the global financial meltdown strictly in terms of economic theory and speculation while ignoring the moral failures informing the collapse has been misguided as a starting point at best.
This conference promises to take good steps toward approaching this historical time of transition from a more holistic grasp of human affairs.