On Wednesday, August 19, 2009, Alan J Inman Enterprises served part of its commission from several conference conveners to facilitate the meeting held in the President's office of York College.
Joyce A. Thomas, Regional Administrator (Region 2) of the Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families, Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith, Provost and Senior Vice President of York College, Lonnie McCleod, President of Exodus Transitional Community, and in absentia Ava Rice, President and CEO of the New York Urban League (with the support of AJIE) convened approximately 25 representatives from major services organizations and agencies to participate in a 4 hour session designed to explore the possibility of a coalition with the goal of strengthening families and communities as pressing in its own right, and in light of opportunities related to emphases and initiatives from the current US administration.
Present included leaders and reps from such groups as, The NYC Administration for Children's Services, Com Alert (Brooklyn DA), NYC Human Resources Administration, Coalition for Hispanic Family Services, Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, NYS Office of Children and Family Services, Project Head Start, and a good many others.
I served the conference as a session facilitator under the auspices of AJIE.
The conference was focused, rich in resources, and fruitful in its outcome.